
Sunday, May 15, 2016

A Busy May!!

May is a busy month!  Aside from ongoing PARCC assessments, we have been managing to stay engaged!  We have moved from persuasive essays into story writing, and the kids are excited!  We have tried a new routine of silent reading to transition from History to ELA each day, and it is a popular move for everyone!

In science students explored energy stations to learn about different energy sources and how energy is transferred.  They tried their hand at building a windmill that would lift a cup with blocks in it.

Later, We thought about flashlights and what the kids shared what they already know.  Then the kids asked questions about flashlights that led to exploring and creating simple circuits to light a bulb.  

This week we will use chromebooks for their story writing and hope to finish those up soon.  Before we know it May will be over and it will be June!!  Do you remember back in the beginning of the year?  Here are a couple shots from way back when ! 😀