
Saturday, December 19, 2015

December Days


Fourth graders have been so busy during this second term I hardly know where to begin! We have been cruising ahead in MATH, with several children mastering their multiplication facts and more close!  Whoot!  Go Fourth Grade!  Your students have also had the chance to use their imaginations and math skills (2-3 digit multiplication, area, perimeter) to Design a Dream Bedroom over the last couple weeks!  

Almost forgot this one!  I told you there was a lot!!  This month students used an assessment and math problem rubric to set a goal for themselves, for learning!!  We were thrilled at the honesty and practicality the students applied to this process.

WEB Connection 

A while back I sent home login information for two websites as well as a page of hands on activities for practicing spelling.  Moby Max is a site we have full access to through the district and can be adjusted to focus on a variety, or a few, skill areas.  Spelling City is all about spelling, But our 30 day trial has expired!   I would really love to GET YOUR FEEDBACK about the websites so I can decide whether to try to purchase full access to Spelling City OR just stick with Moby Max.  Please click QUICK SURVEY  (just 6 multiple choice and comment if you choose)


Our children have been really invested in learning more about animals in their Animal Research projects.  They began by learning about animal groups in science, then focused on looking at non fiction books to see how authors convey information in interesting ways.  Now Reading, Writing, Science and your children's individual curiosities are working together!  Remember you can join us (if you can) Tuesday at 2pm to celebrate their first non fiction writing!


For the past couple weeks we have forged ahead into the area of human body systems!  Students were given a moving pre-assessment, and shared questions that they wondered about.  The following are some photos taken while exploring this subject.
Mrs. Paul is demonstrating "digestion" using a piece of bread in a bag (stomache) with orange juice (stomach acid)
Daniel is demonstrating how the diaphragm helps our lungs fill with air.

Again, Mrs.Paul and I (Mrs. Boyden) want to share how greatful we are to be teaching such a fabulous, curious, hardworking bunch of learners this year in Fourth Grade!!  We wish you a peaceful winter break (beginning Wed. afternoon- Dec. 23) and look forward to beginning the New Year with our students on Jan. 4th